Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Hell Burns" on Humor

On Tuesdays this month, I want to share blogs that are either Catholic humor blogs, or reflect on the nature of humor to help us live out our faith.

Today, I want to feature Sister Helena Burns, a Daughter of St. Paul nun who writes the blog "Hell Burns" (get it?).  Her blog is more about one of my big passions--media literacy--than humor per se.  Still, if you've ever had the good fortune to meet her in person, you'll know immediately how funny she is and how she radiates joy.  And how could a person who named her blog "Hell Burns" not be funny?

Recently, she wrote a commentary on the television show "The Family Guy" that really became an essay on the value and importance of humor in the world.  In fact, I borrowed concepts from her conclusion to really focus on humor this month:  

"Never underestimate the bewitching potential and power of humor. He/she who gets you to laugh last, laughs best. All the way to the zeitgeist bank. And what do you and your children get?"

Please consider reading Sister Helena Burns' essay here

 And do visit her blog--Sister Helena does write the occasional laugh-out-loud post, like this account of her first and last ski trip.

Also, Sister Helena is a great source of detailed and skilled movie reviews in the context of our Catholic faith.  Her review of Toy Story 3 shows, for example, touches on both John Paul II's Theology of the Body and Lotso's nihilism.  You must read her reviews to fully experience these kind of great connections.

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